Brooke Hyden, Social Media and Digital Marketing Manager is a lover of all things digital and content related.
Her background is in graphic design, digital marketing, content creation, and social media management mixed with styling, photo shoot production, and fashion.
She is incredibly passionate about creating. Taking something completely intangible, an idea, and molding it into the most amazing version of itself in actualization. She loves the entire process of creation, from brainstorming sessions early on, to the puzzle of production logistics, all the way to the experience of the event.
Her most recent full-time job was at the great, quirky Zappos.com.
She began as the sole Online Visual Merchandiser, 6 months after Zappos added apparel on to the site.
Within a year she created and managed a styling team of 5 people, which grew to a team of over 30 the next 3 years.
She managed the Creative Services team (Designers, Site Merchandisers, etc.), alongside the Styling team for a year during their growth, until the 2 teams were more than one person could handle! Styling and visual images were calling her name, so she chose to stay with that side of the house.
She (and her team) transformed the way customers shopped for apparel on Zappos.com - by creating Stylists’ Picks (which upped sales of featured items by 200%), Style “Personality” Boutiques, weekly trend videos and interviews with favorite designers.
She brought on-location shooting to Zappos, and produced and directed many large-scale photoshoots (on a tight budget), resulting in beautiful imagery for every aspect of the site as well as print ads.
She has been wowing clients for the last five years building and designing websites, creating and executing digital strategy, and helping brands find their look, feel, and voice with Hampton Haymes.
When her head isn't in her computer or she's not on a shoot, you'll find her hanging out or hiking with my Love and her pups. She's SUCH an animal person, so don't be offended if she ignores you when a cute puppy walks by!
She's most happy when she's traveling, hence why she started the travel blog Travel On The Styled Side. This gives her a huge advantage to help all of you bloggers out there!